GuiFax Frequently Asked Questions
Does this service require special software?
The GuiFax Faxing Service requires no special software. Simply using your
existing e-mail client and registering your e-mail address with GuiFax allows
you to send faxes from your e-mail.
What kind of messages can I send?
You can send any message you can e-mail. GuiFax accepts plain text messages as
well as over 80 attachment types. Typical documents that can be sent as
attachments include MS Word, PowerPoint and Excel.
Can I send messages to both fax and e-mail addresses in the same message?
With the GuiFax Service you can combine message delivery types--you can send to
both an e-mail address and a fax address in the same message.
Is there a limit on the number of pages I can send?
It is recommended you limit the number of pages to no greater than 150. If your
business needs require you to send more than 150 pages per transmission please
contact your GuiFax sales representative for a solution that meets the need for
high volume messaging.
What happens if my fax cannot be delivered?
GuiFax automatically retries the receiving fax machine in the event of a busy
signal. If your message is successfully delivered you will receive a positive
confirmation of delivery to your e-mail box. If your message could not be
delivered, you will receive a non-delivery notification to your e-mail box with
a reason as to why the message could not be delivered.
Does GuiFax charge for non-delivered faxes?
There is no extra charge for non-delivered faxes. Unlike other faxing service
GuiFax offers unlimited faxing.
Can I use my e-mail address book to store fax addresses?
Yes, you can create fax addresses in your e-mail client address book. The fax
number should be saved as an e-mail address of If you
have both an e-mail address and a fax number for a recipient you may want to
store the fax entry in your address book as Recipient name - fax to distinguish
between the addresses.